Learn with AE.
We help you create a photography business you love, teach you how to make people want what you sell, build a team to achieve your dreams faster and turn this photo-creative-life thing into a paid-in-full biz all while honoring your art, craft and creativity. We are dedicated to helping aspiring photographers everywhere dream big and thrive doing what you love.
commitment to making great work and integrity-based dedication to your clients on full display. I know how delicate that balancing act feels—I've been there myself! And if you're anything like me, not only are you ready to let your prime lens power shine, you just want an expert to tell you what works, what doesn't and stop wasting your valuable time like the efficient, creative money-maker you are on the inside.
Let's take your studio to the next level with the straightest line possible to profits with your creative passion,
Photographer Friend,
you're in the right place!
The Photo Studio
Join Artisan Events® Founder, Amanda Sudimack, for the most comprehensive 8-module mastermind course to build your premium wedding & portrait studio and turn your photo-love into a thriving, profitable business that lights you up from scratch.
Ready to turn your photo-love into a real business and create the only studio everyone wants to hire?
Warning: a massive flood of premium, 5-star review writing clients are incoming...
Teams that Work
Learn how to attract, recruit, mentor, sell and lead associate teams that create more wealth and give you your precious time back. (Hello, weekends!) Learn the A to Z of all things teams that work for you without sacrificing your hard-earned reputation (or working more hours)!
Build a top-talent Associate team that helps you achieve your dreams & transforms your biz overwhelm into abundance.
Stop hustling. Start growing your business faster with your own trustworthy, reputable team.
College and art school? They don't teach you how to make money, build a creative business, market a premium brand or create a lucrative, top-talent associate team. Creating a highly profitable, team-based photo business that attracts premium paying clients doesn't have to be so daunting. You CAN do this with the right knowledge and proven, experienced-based training.
I will teach you how to make life-changing money from the beautiful work you create for your clients.
Ready to stop overthinking and start doing?
Pull up your comfy masterclass chair, cuppa tea and workshop with me for starters.
lets do this.